- 百瑞电力合作政策编号. 213道德准则 -

 I. 目的

To set forth the cooperative’s policy regarding development 和 enforcement of a Code of Ethics to guide the ethical behavior of 成员 of the Board of Directors, 管理层和员工.

II. 政策

It is the policy of the Board of Directors to expect the highest level of ethical behavior of its 成员 和 others employed or otherwise associated with the cooperative who are involved in carrying out the business operations 和 delivery of cooperative services 和 dealing with 彼此, 消费者会员和公众. 除了, the board will periodically update 和 restate its st和ards in a published Code of Ethics that shall be made available to all directors, 与合作社有业务关系的雇员和其他人员.

3. 预期

      A.合作社的道德行为标准将被定义和传达, 一般, 促进:阻止不法行为并促进:

  1. 诚实的行为, including the ethical h和ling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal 和 cooperative business relationships.

  2. 完整的, 公平, 准确的, timely 和 underst和able disclosure in the cooperative’s periodic internal 和 external reports.

  3. 遵守适用的政府规章制度.

  4. 及时向代码中确定的人员报告违反代码的情况.

  5. 遵守代码的责任.

     B.  《大发平台》应处理的事项


  1. A general statement of the cooperative’s business philosophy 和 position on respect, 信任, 完整性, 诚信等核心道德问题.

  2. 州或监管机构规定的法律要求.

  3. 利益冲突,包括涉及合作社的合同关系, gifts to board 成员 or employees in consideration of business opportunities with the cooperative, outside activities which might impair the cooperative’s business or unauthorized use of cooperative property for personal purposes.

  4. 保密合作信息.

  5. 编制合作社年度报告, 新闻稿和其他公开披露确保其准确性, 完整且可理解.

  6. Reporting of violations of the cooperative’s Code of Ethics will be facilitated by timely 和 公平 processes under which management will investigate reports 和 protect employees or others who report apparent violations in good faith.

  7. The mechanisms for holding board 成员 和 employees accountable for compliance with the Code of Ethics.

IV.  实施和遵从性

Management shall be held accountable for development of a Code of Ethics for approval by this board 和 for its enforcement, as well as periodic reporting to this board regarding ethics-related matters 和 opportunities to improve the code 和 this policy.


V.  董事会制定政策

This policy was established by the Board of Directors at its meeting on October 25, 2004. 审核日期:2011年2月21日




巴里大发平台 is committed to adhering to 和 demonstrating our values of 公平, 完整性, 问责制, 责任透明度 在我们所有的管理和业务操作实践中. These values are incorporated into our respective governing 和 operating 和 personnel policies. All directors 和 employees of 巴里大发平台 are expected to demonstrate our values by complying with our policies 和 practices when dealing with coworkers, 成员, 供应商, 与合作社有往来的公共机构和其他一切机构. 在任何时候, 如果是成员, director or employee reasonably suspects that a Barry Electric Cooperative activity or action may be in violation of the law, 政策或道德准则的意图, they are encouraged to bring such to the immediate attention of 巴里大发平台 board 和 management 和 the cooperative’s legal counsel.


合作社的负责人, management 和 all other employees will seek to use 公平 和 open 惯例和程序 和 be truthful in all communications with 成员, 彼此, 供应商和其他.

  • All directors 和 employees will balance a member’s right to know about information that is germane to them as a consumer 和 owner with an underst和ing that some information must be maintained as confidential in accordance with laws, policies 和 regulations to ensure employee 和 member privacy 和 security of the cooperative’s records 和 operations.

合作社的负责人 和 employees will always seek to be fully open 和 honest in conducting business on behalf of the cooperative 和 when communicating with the public.

  • Directors 和 employees are expected to uphold the values 和 policies of the cooperative 和 conduct themselves in a professional, 始终保持礼貌和道德的态度.

  • 董事和雇员应诚实地对待会员, 供应商和所有其他与合作社有工作关系的人.

  • 发起和/或接受贿赂, 回扣, 高于票面价值的礼物或其他形式的个人报酬, 还有偷窃, 禁止伪造记录或其他犯罪行为


All directors 和 employees are responsible for ensuring that the cooperative’s mission, 目标, policies 和 plans are carried out with the intent of benefiting consumer-成员’ interests in 和 services from the cooperative.

  • All directors 和 employees are responsible for the accuracy of their work-related actions 和 for compliance with all cooperative policies, 惯例和程序.

  • 所有董事和员工都将避免利益冲突, 真实的或感知的, 和 disclose any potential conflicts that could reasonably be deemed to influence their business judgment.

  • Officers 和 staff who are charged with maintaining the cooperative’s financial records are responsible for ensuring that the cooperative complies with 一般 accepted accounting principles, maintaining a system of internal accounting practices controls 和 providing reasonable assurances that such information 和 records are properly retained 和 secured.


All directors 和 employees will be forthright 和 truthful when dealing with 彼此 和 when providing information about the cooperative that 成员 are entitled to by:

  • Responding within a reasonable time 和 courteous manner to questions 和 concerns of 成员 和 management.

承认无意的错误,并及时、显著地改正. 这样做的时候, they will be expected to clearly 和 completely explain corrective actions taken to rectify them.